In this difficult times where people are forced to “stay home” there is nothing better than spending the night drinking a glass of a fantastic wine
As you know most of the wine makers we import are small family owned companies which make wines with an incredible quality but often have limited financial and liquidity capabilities
We have decided to combine these two needs in order to provide you highest quality wines at your home and at the same time trying to help these family owned small wine makers
We commit to immediately replenish the stock we sell with the exact amount of new bottles and to pay the producers in advance We will be publishing on our website the amount of wine we manage to buy!
San Giorgio Canavese (TO)

Maso Grener
Lavis (TN)

Fattoria Coroncino
Staffolo (AN)

Cappella Sant'Andrea
San Gimignano (SI)

Nick Tartaglia
Alanno (PE)

Val di Toro
Poggio la Mozza (Grosseto) TUSCANY

As you will know here in Italy we have been in total lockdown for nearly 6 weeks with everything but essential shops closed. The Italian health system and economy is under terrible pressure and it will take a very long time for it to recover.
For us at Val di Toro things are relatively good, I would nearly dare say idyllic. We feel fortunate as our pantry is filled with lots of pickles, jam and tomato sauce, the chicken are laying eggs and the vegetable garden is bursting with lots of lovely vegetables and abundance of artichokes and of course our cellars are very well stocked!
That said, as with all businesses across Italy, with restaurants and bars and any other tourist activity closed, our business is suffering a terrible shock. In this context we are extremely grateful for the support you give us directly and indirectly to the whole country. With each bottle of wine leaving our cellars we feel that however difficult it will be, the winery will survive and once all this suffering around the world will finish there must be more than ever a desire to celebrate and rejoice and we hope our wines will be there and ready for that purpose. Meanwhile a good glass of wine is certainly making any lockdown a bit more acceptable!
Thank you and your customers and meanwhile stay healthy and safe!
Kindest regards,
Anna Maria Cruciata
VAL DI TORO – Organic winery
Strada delle Campore, 18
Poggio la Mozza
58100 Grosseto